Our official menu tonight:
Indian Summer StewPalak Paneer (Paneer recipe is from Artisan Cheese Making at Home)
Jim's Curry Chocolate Cake

Our first course should really be called Cheating and comes courtesy of Brian who stopped at the Australian meat pie place down the street (KO). The miniature meat pies (for Bri and Jim) and veggie roll (for Alex) were tasty and I'm sure helped take their usual feral hunger down a notch. Me? I'm drinking a spinach kale juice and still feeling virtuous.
Main Course
While the guys are hard at work chopping onions, our guest star Sarah walks in with Rommy! It's nice to have her here for her witty conversation, but also, she's taking care of dessert for us. :) Sarah, Jim and Alex spent the day at Craft Boston on the Seaport which sounds like it was a great time. Sarah bought these cool earrings and a t-shirt.
Rommy, the big sweetie, has taken up his usual position Right In Our Way, so everyone is carefully stepping over him as we go on. Dogs always win in our kitchen.
We're going to make our own cheese tonight!
"What are these two things, cocoa powder and butter?" Sarah interrupts, confusing everyone in the room, since she had just been talking knowledgeably about the baking properties of gluten. I still don't know what she could have meant (I was too busy writing it down.). But that's how I find out we're having chocolate cake for dessert! My juice is getting less appetizing as the evening goes on...


This meal is taking forever. We forgot to put the lentils in early enough, so we're waiting for them to get cooked and the paneer needs to be pressed for a half an hour (after draining for 20 minutes). We actually had time to clean up the whole kitchen before we ate, which never happens on our Cooking Club nights. OMG, so hungry....
Finally! Here's the way everything looked at the end...you have to imagine the cake fully frosted, because we forgot to get a final picture of the cake. Jim face here expresses how we all feel about this...
Alex | Brian | Deb | Jim | |
Palak Paneer | B It needed different seasoning. It wasn't salty enough, maybe, ? | A- Proud of how good it came out. | A Didn't exactly taste like Indian restaurant palak paneer, but it was quite tasty. It tastes like hippy co-op Palak Paneer. | B+ Tasty |
Summer Stew | B+ The recipe is awesome. It was so flavorful...I think it was the mustard seeds, and other spices at the end. | B- I think we should leave out the lentils next time. | B+ This would be a good recipe to keep working on. I thought it was almost perfect. I didn't think the lentils were too crunchy. | B- Crunchy lentils suck |
Dessert | B+ Maybe I'm easy [room erupts in laughter], but I thought it was good. Nice flavor. I value novelty really highly and this was very unexpected. | C Combination of flavors didn't work for me. | B I loved the curry accents. I think they could have been even stronger. | B It's got a lot of potential.The consistency of the icing could be improved. |
Farscape, Season 2, Episode 7: Home on the Remains.
Brian: OMG, the name of the main villain was a shout out to Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazzard.
Deb: It was flat out awful.
Alex: Ciana the ho.
Jim: Australians trying to do US southern accents, goes beyond funny to just plain sad.
Farscape: Season 2, Episode 8
So depressed from the complete crappy-ness of the earlier episode, we decided that we couldn't face the next one, which looked even worse. A planet of lawyers. Really? Sarah bolted, probably thinking the rest of us were crazy for putting ourselves through this misery every week. The rest of us began to argue about whether we should ditch the whole Farscape series. Brian and I have seen most of the series before and we promised it would get better. Deep inside, though, even we were worried. Does it get better? Or were our tastes just really that crappy all those years ago? I argued that we should skip all the episodes that look like boring filler, but it turns out that the episode where everyone switches bodies (which strikes the rest of us as an awful premise) is one of Brian's favorites... Soooo, we'll have to figure this out next week. It's a time of deep reflection in the Deep Space Cooking Club.
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